Come correggere il codice di errore 0x800701B1 in Windows 10

Come correggere il codice di errore 0x800701B1 in Windows 10

Diversi utenti hanno riscontrato il codice di errore 0x800701B1 durante il tentativo di copiare e incollare o spostare alcuni file in Esplora risorse. Questo errore viene segnalato anche quando si tenta di installare Windows 10 su un’unità disco rigido USB (HDD).

Questo codice di errore può essere causato da diversi motivi, ma i principali sono una porta USB 2.0 insufficiente, un driver incompatibile/incompatibile o un’alimentazione insufficiente. In questo articolo, abbiamo elencato diversi metodi possibili che possono aiutarti a correggere questo codice di errore.

An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

Error 0x800701B1: A device which does not exist was specified

Quali sono le cause del codice di errore 0x800701B1 in Windows 10

Di conseguenza, questo particolare codice di errore può essere causato da diversi problemi. Qui abbiamo compilato un elenco di possibili colpevoli per l’errore 0x800701B1:

  1. In some cases, a USB 3.0 port will be required depending on which HDD / SSD you are using. Then you will be ready to achieve the required dump speeds and power output.
  2. This error code can occur if the external drive you are using uses a generic driver. In this case, reinstalling the dedicated driver may solve the problem.
  3. You may not be able to control all connected peripherals if you have a standard power supply and a lot of peripherals connected. In this case, you can either upgrade the power supply or disable some peripheral devices that are not necessary.

Fix error code 0x800701B1 on Windows 10

The following are the methods to fix this error code 0x800701B1:

1. Use another USB port to connect HDD / SSD.

Plugging the affected drive into a USB 3.0 port instead of a classic USB 2.0 port may help fix error code 0x800701B1.

This method will fix the error when the problem occurs due to insufficient baud rate or insufficient power. Since USB 3.0 is more efficient for faster transfer speeds, please try this method once and let us know if it works.

If you do not find this method useful, try the next one.

2. Reinstall the drivers.

Driver inconsistency / incompatibility is another possible factor that can cause error code 0x800701B1. In this case, you need to install a new version that is compatible with your hard drive. Detailed instructions for this are given below:

  • Press Windows Key + R to open the Run dialog box.
  • Enter devmgmt.msc in the Run dialog box and click OK .
  • In the Device Manager window, locate the disk drivers and expand the drop-down menu.
  • Now right click on the culprit driver that is causing this error code and click on Uninstall device .
  • Wait for the process to complete and restart your computer.

This will uninstall the current driver and switch your Windows to a generic driver.

Note. In case the problem is resolved, keep the generic driver or install the custom driver from the manufacturer’s website.

3. Upgrade your power supply.

Insufficient power from the power supply unit (PSU) can also cause this error. So, if you are still facing this problem, remove any nonessential peripherals connected to your computer and see if that solves the problem.

Resolution of the error confirms that the problem is with the power supply. After that, you should choose a power supply with a capacity greater than 500W.

I hope the above methods help you fix error code 0x800701B1.

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